By: Lisa Kuder
What kind of bees do we expect to move into the earthen wall? Our target genus is Anthophora. According to the USDA ground nesting species make up at least 70% of the bee population. Yet bee expert Sam Droege estimates that the actual number might be as high as 95%. While it is more common for bees to nest in horizontal sites, some genera such as Anthophora prefer dry perpendicular surfaces. They tend to form large nesting aggregations on the face of steep cliffs, upturned tree roots, creek beds and, yes, cob structures. Maryland is home to 6 species ofAnthophora, 2 of which are fairly common, native A. abrupta and naturalized A. plumipes. In a modern landscape, undisturbed nesting sites for Anthphora and many other bees can be lacking.
Please stay tuned for future updates on UMD's new habitat bee wall. In the meantime, please send any questions/comments about this project to:
Lisa Kuder
PhD student
Dennis vanEngelsdorp Bee Lab
University of Maryland
Entomology Department
4112 Plant Sciences Building
College Park, MD 20742
Email: [email protected]